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Capital Stocks

Since going public in February 2005, Pétrolia stock (PEA tsx) has evolved according to the Company’s expectations. The present stable period will naturally be followed by a period of growth when Pétrolia’s production activities have procured its first revenues. The profitability of Quebec’s petroleum and gas development will then be confirmed, as well as Pétrolia’s position in this market.

Market Data
February 29, 2009
Entry on TSX-V february 16, 2005
Share value 0,40 $
26-week high/low (stock) 0,30$ / 2,49$
Stock turnover (last 26 weeks) 8,7 M
Shares in circulation 41 M
Escrowed shares 53,3 M
Market capitalization 21,3 M$
Book value 21,4  M$ 0,52 $/S
Controlling group  

Institutional funds

3,4 M
4,3 M
4,3 M
1,8 M

Financial data
Cash and cash equivalents 6,5 M$
Debt 0 $
Working capital 11,9 M$
2006 financing 0,23 M$

Actual Exploration Expenditures
2008 8,2 M$
2007 1 M$
2006 3,2 M$


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