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Work in progress

Haldimand Project (45% interest)

The Pétrolia-Junex-Gastem partnership has set itself the objective of outlining the extent of the productive horizons identified in the Pétrolia-Haldimand No. 1 well. The proposed work, with an estimated cost of M, comprises three separate phases:

  • Continuation of analyses and tests in the Pétrolia-Haldimand No. 1 well;
  • a 3-D seismic-survey program;
  • and finally Drilling of a second borehole targeting the productive zones already identified in the previous well.

Junex, as Operator, will be responsible for the work

Previous work

Haldimand - 900 hectares


  • Permits acquired in 2005
  • Partnership with Junex (45%) and Gastem (10%)
  • Oil and gas potential of the area demonstrated
  • Most explored area in the Gaspé region: 7 wells since 1999
  • Acquisition of seven seismic profiles in 2005 with a total length of 34 km
  • Discovery of light crude in the Petrolia-Haldimand No. 1 well in 2005
  • Characterization of the organic matter and petrography of the Petrolia
  • Haldimand No. 1 well in 2007
  • Signature of a joint operating agreement for development of the Haldimand oil and gas project in 2008
  • 3-D seismic campaign over an area of 13 km² in 2008
  • Recovery of a pressure recorder installed in the well in 2006 and collection of petroleum samples under reservoir conditions

Proposed work

  • Continuing analyses and tests in the Petrolia-Haldimand No. 1 well
  • Extended production test to confirm the production capacity of the Pétrolia-Haldimand No. 1 well
  • More detailed geologic studies of the various formations
  • Drilling of a second well to target the producing zones identified in the previous well

Cumulative cost of work: 2,454,790

Haldimand Corridor


  • North and south extensions of the Haldimand Project
  • A reassessment of the available data and reprocessing of some of the old seismic lines was carried out
  • Soil-geochemistry survey conducted in 2008 (900 samples)
  • Acquisition of six seismic lines with a total length of 61 km, including a subsea portion.
  • High-resolution airborne magnetic survey to extend the government surveys to the east

Proposed work

  • Analyses of organic matter from drill and field samples
  • Planning of a drilling campaign

Cumulative cost of work: 203,296

Bourque: 74,267 hectares


  • Exploration of Devonian reefs
  • Recognized petroleum potential
  • Acquisition and interpretation of old seismic data, now in the public domain
  • 3-D seismic acquisition in 2008
  • Study of the maturation of organic matter in surface samples collected in 2007

Proposed work

  • Interpretation and evaluation of the results of the 3-D seismic survey
  • Planning of a drilling campaign

Cumulative cost of work: 3,153,270

Anticosti: 638 106 hectares


  • Permits acquired in 2007
  • Partnership with Corridor Resources Inc.
  • Interpretation of seismic lines and available drilling data
  • Soil-geochemistry survey carried out in 2008 over the entire island,
    (1,700 samples)

Proposed work

  • Evaluation and compilation of the latest field work
  • Study aimed at the characterization of the organic matter in three wells from the eastern portion of the island
  • Planning of a drilling campaign

Cumulative cost of work: 1,137,368


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