
Since the start of its operations in the Gaspé sector, Pétrolia and its partner have conducted numerous technical, environmental, and social studies.

Technical Studies
These studies are aimed at facilitating oil exploration and, ultimately, oil production. Prior to starting exploratory drilling, geological, geochemical, and geophysical work is performed to identify discovery potential and a target for siting an initial test well.

Once oil is found, many additional studies must be carried out to delimit the prospective area, estimate the size of the resource, and understand the characteristics of the reservoir with a view to bringing it into production.

Over the course of these studies, hypotheses are developed and tested. Some are rejected, others reformulated or simply replaced. Pétrolia and its partner’s current knowledge of the Haldimand deposit is the result of years of work, which has often called for bold action and innovation.

Environmental Studies
The prospect of a nascent Quebec oil industry becoming established in the Gaspé Peninsula raises legitimate questions among the population, especially with regard to the environment. The oil industry has been operating around the world for more than a century and has demonstrated that its activities can be carried out in an environmentally responsible manner. This obviously does not exempt the industry from doing its homework, answering questions, and addressing environmental issues.

One of people’s main concerns is the impact that oil development could have on water, particularly the groundwater that feeds many residential wells. However, groundwater is protected by the installation of cement well casings, as described in Drilling Section.

Moreover, before developing a well site, Pétrolia and Québénergie commission an environmental assessment of potential sites in order to avoid sensitive areas and wetlands (e.g., waterways) and ensure that the location has not been previously contaminated.  

What is more, in the light of community concerns Petrolia has also taken the step of commissioning an independent hydrogeological assessment to collect scientific data on groundwater quality. The study, conducted by Institut national de la recherche scientifique (INRS) is led by Professor René Lefebvre.